Zoisite Mood Theme for
LiveJournal (zipped). Contains 98 different pics (for the
144 moods available), and a "how to" file to simplify the upload
of the mood theme to your LJ. Beware : only paid account users can use
custom mood themes. Sample below (the mood theme contains 98 different
pics - 60x60 pixels, .gif format)

Disclaimer :
This mood theme is for non-commercial use only, Sailormoon and the character
Zoisite are the property of Naoko Takeuchi.
Most of these pics are coming from the anime, the majority of it from
scans I've done of my anime-comics, a few others are from screencaps from
Stayka DeyAvemta's
Dark Kingdom Home
Pics for the moods : "apathetic" / "blank"
/ "exanimate", "giddy", "mellow" are
coming from doujinshi scans I've found on various places on the web and
can't remember, sorry.
Pics for the moods : "dorky", "naughty"
are from Soylent Green's fanart, on her site :
The Scrumdiddlyumptious
Dark Kingdom Love Revival
Pics for the moods : "enthralled", "horny",
"lethargic" are my fanart.
The pic for the mood "geeky" is from
a video game screencap floating around on the net (sorry I can't remember
where I got it from).
The pic for the mood "lazy" / "listless"
comes from the manga.
Hall of Shame : this is not
really an homage... Just random cross-over deliriums that didn't fit anywhere
else on the site...